Wednesday, March 4, 2009

America's Next Top Model Premiere


Tonight was the premiere of America's Next Top Skinny B*tch + 1 thick chick. As always Ms. Jay was hilarious and fabulous and Tyra's lace fronts were amazing. Now, on to the girls. My favorites are Jessica and Aminat. They are by far the prettiest chicks of this cycle. The plus size chick of course was NOT plus size. The chick has abs!!! How you got abs and you plus size? Please stop the madness. The chick with the big ass eyes is crazy and needs to go. And for the b*tch that's gots to go award...Sandra. I would have socked that chick in her face the first night. I hate greazy chicks, talking reckless and acting like they the ish. Sit down. She not even cute.

On another note, Tyra, its time to retire ANTM. Its been 12 seasons, i'm over it.